8 stoic habits for becoming your best self

Good habits make success possible. Whether you’re trying to get a promotion, meet new people, or look and feel healthy, a regimen of good habits is the surest path forward. If you don’t have good habits, everything becomes a constant struggle as you fight against yourself.

The Stoics knew this. How do you think Marcus Aurelius ruled over the largest empire on earth? How did Epictetus endure and triumph over slavery? How did Seneca become the greatest writer of his era? How do you think Cato led troops in battle and to victory?

How do your habits stack up? How much closer to your goals would you be if you adopted the habits you’ve always wanted a year ago? Six months ago? Six days ago? Think about how much different your life would be.


Sometimes I find the swimming gems close to the cabin. And sometimes the wind speaks. Returned home with the biggest feather I have found so far. A white swan was the messenger; reminding me of my words and the power they have.

Driving through the wild mountains with my frog. Water medicine everywhere. Let it flow.

Also, Telemark is probably one of the most underrated places in Norway.

When driving through the mountains of misty SouthWest Norway you need the right tracks. Every gas station shop plays these terrible tracks that kids like nowadays, so I had to find some 70’s vibe back in the car.