Oslo Snakker (oslosnakker.no)
Husker du sist du hadde en god samtale med en du er uenig med? Har du lyst til å ta diskusjonene ut av kommentarfeltene og inn i det virkelige liv? OSLO KOMMUNE, ved VELFERDSETATEN og DEICHMAN, sammen med NOBELS FREDSSENTER inviterer deg og andre innbyggere fra hele byen til å bli med på OSLO SNAKKER. En serie med arrangementer, hvor du kan møte en person du er uenig med, ansikt til ansikt for å snakke sammen.

There is something that’s fundamentally wrong with a dense cityscape ; at its core, it’s jarring to the soul. But some lovely things can come out of the concrete jungle, specially in polarized times like these. Happy to see Deichman be a part of the dialogue that is needed (make diplomacy legit again!), instead of a cancel culture that kept everybody extremely vigilante.

Why I’m learning an indigenous language by Arthur Haines (arthurhaines.com)
Many people who have read any of my posts recently have seen occasional use of a local indigenous language.  This language, Peskotomuhkati-latuwewakon (Passamaquoddy Language), was historically spoken by 20,000 people in eastern Maine and western New Brunswick prior to European contact.  Today, ...

English language has severe limitations when it comes to explaining how connected we are to the earth, as it is not an indigenous language.

11 Secretive Spots to Hide Valuables in Your Home by Jeremy AnderbergJeremy Anderberg (Art of Manliness)
Whether cash, passports, jewelry, or other important valuables, we all have things we need to hide now and again, whether from the prying eyes and hands of children or the unnerving but very real threat of burglars. Luckily, a lot of the stuff you really want to hide is pretty small and inconspicuous.

2021 should be the year to retrieve all your value out of the traditional banking system. Crypto is a nice option for many, but do not underestimate the power of cash/gold/silver/butter when a solar storm hits! But where to put it?