The ultimate warrior medicine

Kambo can be considered the ultimate warrior medicine.

Taken by members of Amazonian tribes for millennia, kambo is used to prepare for the hunt by increasing energy, stamina and sensory perception, whilst decreasing hunger and thirst. It is also known to be used in various tribes as part of an initiation ritual to usher boys into manhood.

When we sit with kambo, we can connect to the masculine essence of this medicine and to the lineage of men who have used it before us.

We connect to the warriors and the hunters, and witness their energy come alive within us.

Kambo gifts us these enhanced hunting abilities, allowing us to hone in on our grandest vision for our lives and hunt it down with courage and precision.

Kambo brings us strength of mind, body and spirit.

Kambo sharpens our mental faculties, allowing for rationality, focus and clear thinking.

Kambo puts us in touch with our inner confidence and leadership qualities. Qualities that are not driven by the ego but by honesty and diplomacy.

Kambo inspires us to take action.

Kambo connects us to the divine masculine energies within us.

Human beings are nature too

We wrote ourselves out of the definition of nature.

If you look up “Nature” many dictionaries define it as plant life, animal life, or mineral density – literally anything non human.

So we wrote ourselves out of the definition of nature and are displaying that in our philosophy on human health. Our human health is being demonstrated in spades right now.

Many people think that viruses are attacking us, which is a completely erroneous mindset because viruses built us. We are more than 50% viral DNA at the human genome, and 10% are made from retroviruses like the Coronavirus. So we are literally the compilation of viral genomes that have been slowly built over millions and millions of years.

We are the compilation of nature. Nature is never attacking life. It’s always there to create adaptation and bio diversification. If we oppose nature, nature is going to have no choice but to create a cataclysmic event for us. And so we are creating in our opposition, our own demise.

This is where we need the shift to happen. Human beings are Nature too.