Ny taktikk for å flykte fra 17.mai: Dra til de mest nasjonale symbolene langt unna byer. Eneste eksponering har vært turister som snakker andre språk, eksepsjonell natur og minimalt med korpsmusikk.

by Malcolm GladwellMalcolm Gladwell (The tipping point)
Transactive memory is part of what intimacy means. In fact, Wegner argues, it is the loss of this kind of joint memory that helps to make divorce so painful. "Divorced people who suffer depression and complain of cognitive dysfunction may be expressing the loss of their external memory systems", he writes. "They once were able to discuss their experiences to reach a shared understanding... They once could count on this access to a wide range of storage in their partner, and this, too, is gone... The loss of transactive memory feels like losing a part of one's own mind".

– et dikt av Luna

Glede er grønt. Og kanskje litt sånn gult.

Fordi sola er gul. Glede lukter søtt! Lukter blomster.

Glede smaker friskt. Glede er en fruktshake.

Glede er mykt og kanskje litt sånn pelsete.

Glede er like stort som et helt land! Kanskje like stort som Norge.

Glede er en fin lyd. Som favorittsangen sin! Eller lyden av en bekk!

Glede er et gult piano. Glede er å lage kort til andre.

Glede er et fly! Høyt oppe og svevende.

For glede er en gepard med hvite vinger.

Som gjør alle rundt seg glade.

Og at alle slemme blir snille.

This frog has been in a long hibernation. But do you now hear its ribbet? 🐸


If you ever want me to cry, make me do some breathwork. From my own experience, working with the breath is the most powerful healing agent I have come across. It’s accesability is unbeatable: you don’t need kettlebells, a kambo practitioner, a dealer, a supplement or elaborate rituals. (All you need is to subscribe to this website for more breathing audios 😄)

Dagens session:

There is something that’s fundamentally wrong with a dense cityscape ; at its core, it’s jarring to the soul. But some lovely things can come out of the concrete jungle, specially in polarized times like these. Happy to see Deichman be a part of the dialogue that is needed (make diplomacy legit again!), instead of a cancel culture that kept everybody extremely vigilante.


Reasoning, lost at first sight

Breath, grasping for a sense of peace

Ears, receptive to any sound vibration

Touch, heavenly reminder of warmth

Mind, overthinking and articulating

Thoughts, not finding their usual pathways

Feelings, screaming softly like windshield wipers

Eyes, lubricated and spongy

Words, trying to penetrate their way out through my glued lips

Destiny, working in mysterious ways

Eclipse, surrendering to a familiar emptiness