The best concepts I have come across in the field of AI is NanoGPT and Brave Leo. Mostly because I really like the thought of using Nano (XNO) for my inquiries, and Brave has become my go-to browser. But you are still using the centralized BigTech options, right?

From ’em late library tunes selection:

Michou – Maloya ton tisane



Excellent advice for living by Kevin KellyKevin Kelly
Wisdom I wish I'd known earlier.

En analog twitterstrøm av ypperlig livsvisdom

Disse rådene er skreddersydd for dagens uberegnelige oppmerksomhetsnivå, men innholdet gir mye rom for smaksrik refleksjon. Boka er en sjokosvamp: Ordene bør inntas like elegant som en mørk sjokolade og like absorberende som en dagdrøm. Dersom du ønsker noe like kortfattelig som en tweet, men med dybden til en zen koan så vil du finne det her.

Passer for deg som …

ser etter en bok som har innholdsdeklarasjonen i tittelen.

Father traumas are everywhere. You are not alone in this resentment.

As many men in modern societies, I have witnessed these pains from the wounded feminine. And I would say this applies to a lot of women (and men). Men see the effects as demands and expectations, many times unrealistic and/or contradictory in nature. This is not meant as criticism towards women or to glorify masculine reactivity. Men must continue to focus on their work; set goals, clarify purpose, accomplish, provide, staying attuned to both the environment and our bodies. Less distractions like inhumane work schedules and chasing women/sex.

Signs of father wounds in women:

1. The demand for perfection. Although most men want a reflection and being measured to know if we are on track, unrealistic demands can have a devastating effect on men’s self-worth, and serves as a breeding ground for toxic masculinity and incel culture.

2. The trust issue. I would be bold enough to claim that what a man loves in a woman is her vulnerability and openness. But trust is gained in drops, and lost in buckets. Trust issues can keep men on the edge, always in the need to prove they can be trusted. Look at it as a test on your patience. On the other side, men can also see and feel the traumas left in women by previous relationships and/or father wounds. Be empathetic, it’s not easy to be a trusting woman nowadays.

3. A naive woman is a sexy red flag. Innocence has a sexy connotation, but apart from that, I have never quite understood why womem’s naïveté triggered me so much and why they would carry an extreme fear of being alone/single. Jumping into new relationships and underestimating the intentions of other men. We have to accept our differences; men are usually fixed and women are usually fluid. See it as a challenge: Naïveté is where the man steps up in love; from listening to leading.

Also on: Spotify

Ny taktikk for å flykte fra 17.mai: Dra til de mest nasjonale symbolene langt unna byer. Eneste eksponering har vært turister som snakker andre språk, eksepsjonell natur og minimalt med korpsmusikk.