Junk culture

Scientism is junk science

News is junk information

Public school is junk education

Fiat is junk money

Doctors are junk healers

Bureaucracy is junk governance

Cities are junk villages

Supermarkets are junk farms

Religions are junk spirituality

Television is junk storytelling

Virtual reality is junk experience

Celebrities are junk role models

Fluorescent lights are junk sunlight

Modernist buildings are junk architecture

Dating apps are junk connections

Casual hookup is junk sex

Synthetic fabrics are junk clothing

Apartments are junk homesteads

AI is junk intelligence

Social networks are junk communities

Supplements are junk nutrients

Baby formula is junk breast milk

Vapes are junk tobacco

Autotune is junk singing

Emails are junk letters

Self-checkout is junk service

Viltkjøtt gir mye mat i lang tid, og bør være en førsteprioritet dersom du bor i Norge. Beitende dyr er et mirakel. Større tetthet av kalorier betyr også at vi ikke trenger å spise hele tiden, slik man gjør hvis man spiser plantebasert. Valget er latterlig enkelt hvis du bor i Norge: Alt av animalsk og lokal mat er bedre enn å importere avokadoer og bananer fra fjerne himmelstrøk.

Never underestimate the healing benefits of cholesterol 💚