Viltkjøtt gir mye mat i lang tid, og bør være en førsteprioritet dersom du bor i Norge. Beitende dyr er et mirakel. Større tetthet av kalorier betyr også at vi ikke trenger å spise hele tiden, slik man gjør hvis man spiser plantebasert. Valget er latterlig enkelt hvis du bor i Norge: Alt av animalsk og lokal mat er bedre enn å importere avokadoer og bananer fra fjerne himmelstrøk.

Are you a boobs or an ass guy? by Carnivore AureliusCarnivore Aurelius (X)

Rogan: “Alright, Mr. Trump, the people have been dying to know: Are you a boobs or an ass guy?”

Trump: “Joe, that’s a tremendous question. Now, lots of people, they’re boobs people. And I respect that. Boobs are incredible. When I was president, we had the best boobs, folks. Top-quality. Boobs are special. Boobs make milk, and I love milk. Kamala, she hates milk. You know in Kamala’s America they’re canceling cows. That’s right. Kamala, she’s talking about a cow ban. You’d walk into a store, and all they’d have is nut milk.

Asses, Joe. Let me tell you. I know a lot about asses. Nobody knows more than I do. Asses are like assets. Strong, valuable, they only appreciate over time if you know what you’re doing. Just like my real estate. With Sleepy Joe, we were importing asses from Brazil. We need tarrifs Joe. We need asses to be natural american-made again.”

Michael Saylor is one of the primary agents involved in destroying Bitcoin by Aaron DayAaron Day (X)

It’s official: I’m a paranoid crypto anarchist.